Ethical Sourcing Policy Statement

We care about the people involved in making any products we purchase and therefore we have the following ethical sourcing policy in place.


  • It is unacceptable to use forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour
  • Suppliers should not employ children below 16 years of age.
  • Workers must be paid a fair, living wage for the type of work they undertake. This must meet national legal or industry standards as a minimum. Deduction of wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.
  • Workers shall not be required to work in excess of 48 hours/week. All overtime must be voluntary.
  • Harsh or inhumane treatment whether physical, sexual or verbal is prohibited.
  • Discrimination in hiring based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation is unacceptable.
  • Suppliers should demonstrate care and concern for the physical environment in which they operate. A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided with adequate steps taken to prevent accidents and injury to health. Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training. Workers shall be provided with clean toilet facilities, access to fresh water and sanitary storage area for food.
  • Buyers must not tolerate corruption in any form. Buyers aware of any corrupt activity have a duty to alert their senior management. Bribery is a criminal offence in the UK.
  • All personal interests should be declared. Buyers should encourage colleagues to declare any material personal interest which may affect, or be seen to effect, their impartiality or judgement in respect of their duties.
  • Buyers should, wherever possible, be aware of opportunities to support the local communities and SMEs.


This has been approved by James Glackin, Managing Director

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