Internal Online Staff Training Workshops
From January to March this year, during the 2nd lockdown we took the opportunity to run 6 Internal Online Staff Training Workshops covering various topics that we felt would enhance our frontlines staff’s knowledge when deployed into an operational environment.
As our industry diversifies, our pledge was to upskill our workforce to in turn support our vision of providing the best possible service.
Over 350 staff took part in the sessions that lasted between 2 – 4 hours covering the topics below.
1. Customer Service Awareness
2. Report Writing & Radio Communication Awareness
3. Incident Escalation Awareness
4. Risk Analysis & Decision-Making Awareness
5. Counter Terrorism & Threat Analysis Awareness
6. The Roles & Responsibilities of the Safety Steward & Security Officer
Each staff member took part in a knowledge check on completion and received an internal Certificate of Participation.
Security Scotland Operations Director Chris Callaghan commented “it was great to see so many of our people taking part in our first online workshop sessions. Adding to staff’s knowledge was always the number one priority and for as many to take part on days off from working their frontline keyworker shifts, whilst managing home schooling commitments and other lockdown commitments was fantastic”.